SMS Forwarder App

Elevate your message delivery experience with our cutting-edge algorithms, meticulously crafted to identify and address network connectivity issues and signal disruptions. No need to worry about lost messages – our system proficiently stores a duplicate of your communication until it can be successfully transmitted.

Say goodbye to the uncertainties of unreliable messaging and embrace a seamless communication process with our innovative solution.


Smart SMS Forwarding

Effortlessly forward messages between specified numbers for efficient communication.

Custom Filtering Rules

Effortlessly forward messages between specified numbers for efficient communication.

Forwarded SMS History

Keep a detailed log for transparent tracking of forwarded messages.

Forward SMS to Emails

Automate message forwarding to designated emails with customizable rules

Default SMS App

Set the application as the default platform for seamless SMS interactions.

App View

Create Rules

Establish rules for forwarding messages, Specify criteria for message inclusion or exclusion.

  • Forward SMS from and to a specific phone number.
  • Forward SMS from a phone number to specified email.
  • Forward SMS containing specific keywords or any keyword.
  • Select multi-senders and multi-forwarders for a message.
  • Easily edit or delete rules as needed.
  • Activate the rule when in use; deactivate when not.
  • Set up an automatic response for incoming SMS.
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